
 Though the garden has been a companion for years , little thought has been given to it's internal architecure until I began to photograph, and in turn study the photographs of my own garden and those of others both public and private. This collection of pictures tells me what pleases me in shapes, design, and patterns of the plants themselves. It is easy to look outside now and see missteps -wrong size, wrong place. As a collector of plants, my garden will never reflect the perfect design, there will always be something that doesn't quite fit or needs to be moved, (multiple times I fear)or something that spoils the vignette. Still the plant will often stay earning it's keep on sheer likability. I cheerfully lack the discipline to create the types of scenes shown below.

Photos are from the Ruth Bancroft Garden, the Knot Garden at Filoli, the Heather garden at  Mendocino Botanical Gardens, and the Lavender fields at Matanzas Creek Winery.


  1. Great photos, Kathy. So glad you captured the knot garden. The heather at Mendo looks in tip-top form.

  2. Your photos are fabulous! I enjoyed them all. Must get back to Filoli soon--the knot garden looks like it has developed beautifully since last I was there. Thanks again for the photos, what a treat!

  3. Thanks Hoover Boo, and do I detect that you are in fact one and the same with Hoovb from the GW rose forums ? I've been lurking there for years ! Even posted upon occasion before I got involved in the Perennials forum ..Stop by any time..


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