Hung Up on the Cottage Stuff

Got succulents, grasses, and a voluminous collection of Oreganos, but I reserve a section of the garden for the old-timey stuff that opens a tiny door into the world of the classic English border. Can't help it. The Delphiniums are one thing, but Campanula 'Cups and Saucers' , grown this year after a15 year hiatus , are unfolding with their blowsy charm- I just go out and stare. A mixed 6 pack was purchased last summer, and maybe there will be some pink in the yet unopened plants. Pink will seal my fate- two more six packs purchased poste haste for next years display. So non-sustainable. But better than lawn, right ?


  1. The photos are gorgeous, Kathy. The white cup-and-saucers make me stare too


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