Bloomday for May 2023

   After a cold and wet spring, it looks like the weather is settleing into a more normal pattern. We had rain as recently as May 6th and I still have about 75 gallons of collected rainwater that I am useing for containers and newly installed in ground plants. I will likely have to start watering the garden at large before this week is out and it's pretty much the latest I've been able to put off the irrigating for several years.

 Here then are just a few of the bloomers in my garden this month. 

 Cistus 'Snowfire' is always a favorite. Purchased from Digging Dog during my Covid lockdown gardening projects it is a tough plant that has the extra bonus of a bit longer bloom time than others of the genus.

Climbing rose 'Sombreuil' is a beast that got a very hard prune this winter , and I managed minimal wounds in the process-it has very robust thorns.

David Austin rose 'Golden Celebration.' Topped out right now at about 7 feet, it's giving it's fence mate Reine des Violettes a run for it's money.

 'Eden'  is buried in the depths of a Euonymous 'Silver King' which works out ok-I can see the flowers just fine but the Euonymous hides it's dreadful blackspot and rust annual foliage disfigurement.


Clematis 'Niobe' is being engulfed by Weigela variegata which will be receiving a rejuvenation prune when it blooms out. 

David Austin rose 'Happy Child'.

The excellent Clematis 'Arabella'

Miniature climber 'Jeanne Lajoie' ..clearly the miniature refers to the flower , not the plant size. It seems to have enjoyed the cold wet winter and spring-even though I pruned it pretty heavily I can barely see out my dining room window on the right. The pruners will have to come out again in June.

 Floribunda rose 'Our Lady of Guadalupe' .

Penstemon 'Electric Blue' .

'Brass Band'

Silene 'Druetts Variegated'

Cistus 'Mickie'

Clematis 'Juuli'

Tall bearded Iris 'Island Hop'.

Parahebe pertifolia

Agave 'Blue Glow' not exactly blooming , but offsetting like mad all around the rosette. I'm waiting for the next development.

 Be sure to visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens for more Bloomday reports.


  1. Your flowers are quite stunning, it's impossible to pick a favorite or two.

    1. I have to admit I do have favorites , but sometimes my selections are based on ease rather than beauty !

  2. Some beauties for your Bloom Day post: Oh my goodness! Especially the roses...what a beautiful collection!

    1. Thanks Beth. I used to collect roses and had close to 70 of them, but when you start collecting other plants you have to make choices !

  3. Thank you for including the plant names and cultivars.

  4. Wonderful roses---'Jeanne La Joie' has a flower or two this year hahaha! I got rid of 'Eden' because of the Rust--it was terrible. Clever idea to hide the plant and still have the flowers.

    I got 'Arabella' because of your comments about it and of course your photos--at Home Depot of all places--but the color on mine is much more purple than blue--ah, looked it up, it fades to blue?

    Anyway--Happy Spring!

    1. I'll tell you Hoov, I was that close to giving Eden the heave-ho but it's roots are so integrated with other plants it would have been a hellish enterprise. I get rust AND blackspot. I chop relentlessly after the first flush. Re: Arabella-the first time I ever saw it was in upstate NY in the garden of a Clematis collector. It was quite blue there (it was June) and I think climate and the different quality of light makes a difference. Light is so much softer on the east coast.

  5. So many beauties here. I love the 'Island' iris and all the roses are superb. You just reminded me about the Silene. I don't think I've seen mine this year. :(

    1. Silene is evergreen here in Z9, but I have had the variegated version revert in the past.I just started growing bearded Iris again a couple years ago. They always looked so crappy in summer ! My solution was to site them where other summer perennials would hide them , and I usually chop the leaves in half after they finish blooming. They are sooo gaudy !

  6. 'Our Lady of Guadalupe'.... WOW! How does a rose even manage to have that many blooms at once? It's crazy. As for your 'Blue Glow' photo how do you feel about it blooming? Will you mourn it's demise, or are you ready for something different? (maybe you'll replant with one of the pups?)

    1. Floribunda roses grow their flowers in clusters so 'Our Lady' pumps them out. One of my better rebloomers and no disease. In the last couple of years I started to speculate about blooms on 'Blue Glow' . I've had it in the ground for several years and in a pot for a few years before that. Since you can now buy one just about anywhere I am really looking forward to the bloom experience, and will replace it with another. I'll plant up a couple of the offsets for fun, but I'll buy at least a 1gal to replace it.

  7. Your roses! I can't even imagine a display like that. Years ago, I moved a 'Golden Celebration' rose from a large pot, where it bloomed well, to a corner of a garden where it's just barely hanging on. I'm tempted to try another one in a better spot - I'm eyeing the area currently occupied by the disappointing dwarf Jacaranda. I love your Clematis too - thus far, I've only got one of those to survive here.

    1. In my experience DA roses always grow larger in California than advertised . I say try another spot. Have you tried some of the Clems that Hoov has had success with ?

  8. The roses are absolutely gorgeous this year especially Jeanne Lajoie. Oh to have that problem where a climbing rose will need pruning. Have tried Penstemon 'Electric Blue' from seed several times but without success. It is the most vibrant blue and really pops in the your garden.

    1. I have to be pretty draconian with my climbing rose pruning -they are happy here. My 'Electric Blue' were purchased in 4" pots at a UC Davis Arboretum plant sale. They are showy for sure but bloom very sporadically after spring. I'm going to cut them back to about 6" after they finish blooming and see if I can get another flush.

  9. Your blooms are so beautiful.especially the assortment of roses, which are simply breathtaking. Your Cistus 'Snowfire' and Bearded Iris are outstanding as well. Spring has certainly arrived in your garden!

  10. Wow! Your roses are what most wish they had but don't. I had a prickly David Austin climbing rose once, but shapping and pruning it was what nightmares are made of. I admire all the work that has gone into your beautiful garden. Your May looks lovely.

  11. Looks like spring is off to a good start for you! I won't be planting roses in Oregon, but that 'Snowfire' looks like a very nice cistus. I do like the white ones and have planted 'Jenkyn Place.' The silene and parahebe/veronica do well up here too


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