Garden Bloggers Bloom Day for June 2022

  I always feel as though June is the last month that things look nice in my garden. This year June also has the distinction of being the last month of my life as an employee. After 30 plus years, on July1st at or about 4pm I am a free woman. As I have been training my replacements over the last several weeks and migrating my workload over to them I  have felt the job stress slowly melting away. I did a routine monthly task today and I realized it was the last time ever. And this Bloomday post is the last time I will have to jockey around my workdays-my workdays now will be right here at home in my garden. 

 So here is a selection of flowers for this month.

 Clematis Juuli , one of my favorites. Juuli scrambles rather than twines so she like to recline on her neighbors. I have a small support for her but she pretty much goes where she likes. The stamens !


The annual Erygium blaukappe with Anigozanthos and Phlomis mash-up. The Erygiums are vast this year, most are volunteers. Verbena bonariensis can be seen off to the far right.


Aloe brevifolia.

This is a Proven Winners Achellia whose name escapes me at the present , but as with most PW plants I'm sure the name is reliably goofy. I'm trialing this for re-bloom/bloom longevity and I'll get another one if it makes the cut. I really like the clean white color of the flowers against the green foliage.

This is Penstemon 'Garnet' and the flowers are just not at all this purple. Probably could have messed with it in Lightroom but I let it slide since the point of this was to say that I have added several Penstemon back into my garden after a few years absence and am leaving spots to add more . They do very well in my climate as long as I site them away from the soaker hoses and avoid soil enrichment in their immediate area.

This is my most exciting bloom of 2022, Leucospermum 'Helena' . The flowers are by no means perfect but when I bought this plant I was extremely skeptical that it would ever bloom at all. And it's in a container no less. It endured frost after frost and mornings in the mid to high 20's. We had very late frosts here this spring, our last one being in early May. The first set of blooms it set in late winter were laid low by a protracted 20 degree morning-they simply stopped developing so I assumed that was the end of the story. Much to my surprise it pushed out another set and I have had 4 flowers open up so far.

 A group shot with cutest grass ever Briza media and Achillea 'Little Moonshine' .


Angelica stricta purpurea . Beloved by the flying critters-which by the way is my new phrase to replace 'pollinators', an annoyingly overused word IMO. I'm kind of obsessive about overused words. I haven't used the word 'amazing' in years. The Grand Canyon is amazing. Looking at Jupiter through a telescope is amazing. Your dinner at Joe Schmos' Diner  or your new bistro set are not amazing. And I recognize that this is generational. So if you want to characterize everything as amazing, go for it.

Tanacetum parthenium 'Vegmo Snowball' .


New to me this year  'Josephine'. I may have gotten this one from Scheepers, though I usually buy my Lilies from B&D or The Lily Garden.


Benarys Giant Purple




Anigozanthos with Sideritas cypria.


Cenolophium denudatum.


The excellent Clematis 'Arabella'


Nicotiana langsdorfii


Another combo shot with Lavender 'Platinum Blonde', Briza media, and Achellia 'Little Moonshine'

That will do it for this month - be sure to visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens our hostess for this monthly bloomfest.


  1. You've got some beauties! I am growing Eryngium for the first time this year. Not as far along as yours yet. FYI - your link at Carol's sends us to May's Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. :)

    1. Thanks for the heads up on the link, I'll edit. As for Eryngium, I'm going to try my hand at 'Miss Wilmotts Ghost' ...some of these old timey varieties get really hard to find so seeds are the answer.

  2. look at all those eryngiums! But better yet, you're done with the awfice! Congratulations! That's amazing...oops.

    1. Lol, at least I can still laugh at my own idiosyncrasies !

  3. Your garden is looking outstanding, Kathy! You can grow so many plants that struggle or just immediately reject life in my garden - thus far, I've had success with only a single Clematis for example. Briza media was also a big flop here :(

    Whoop whoop for your pending retirement!

    1. Sorry to hear about the Briza media failure. I love using it in arrangements. I know many of may plants like a winter rest and maybe that's your problem with the Clems-though Hoov seems to do ok with some. I wonder if she has better winter chill ? Though I have to say when my BILs lived in Huntington Beach they has a couple Clems that did pretty good .

  4. Beautiful!
    Congratulations on your retirement!

  5. That Leucospermum! Your notes about 20 degree mornings makes me (for the 93th time) want to try Leucos in Portland, but I know they'd melt into a slime pile over winter here. I love Briza but have only tried B. maxima, which self seeded like wildfire in my Astoria garden. I got too nervous and pulled it all out. And speaking of goofy names, T. parthenium 'Vegmo Snowball'... too goofy! Heartiest congrats on the impending retirement, Kathy! You'll love it!

    1. The thing with our cold temps is that the duration is usually on a couple of hours-it always warms up to the mid 40's or 50's during the day, and I imagine that makes the difference.

  6. Free at at last! Congratulations and enjoy the gardening, photography and many other joys to come.

    The white Achillea is striking, the mass of Eryngium is amaz---I mean, impressive!

    1. Love the white Achillea -I am a fan of white flowers in general. Maybe I'm turning into a curmudgeon, ranting about over used words !

  7. Yay for you! I can't wait to see what you do with all that extra time...


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