Garden Bloggers BloomDay for November 2021

  It's a small bloom haul this month-the weather has been really nice but the deciduous trees of the surrounding neighbors are still hanging on and combined with the lower sun angle my garden is pretty shady right now. And hallelujah, I've gotten just about 10 inches of rain since our first big storm in October. The hoses are retired for the winter. We have yet to have our 1st frost though we've had a few mornings in the high 30's. Nothing is knocked down yet- I still have basil but I pulled the tomatoes , planted spinach, kale and 100 Ranunculus. The ground temps are relatively warm so the weeds are are triumphant and  I appear to have approximately one to two million Nigella seedlings. 

    Pelargonium schitzopetalum has had it's best year ever and I was really surprised to see a bloom forming this late in the year. I'm going to attempt to divide it next spring. It's tuberous rooted so we shall see how that goes.

 Dahlia 'Bee Happy' is in fact happy that the leaf miners have left town for the year and has pumped up a few more blooms.


Globularia sarcophylla is a new acquisition not in the ground yet .

 David Austin rose 'Happy Child'. I was really close to digging this up last winter, but I couldn't. I'm very partial to yellow roses.


Cuphea cyanea . This little Cuphea stays about a foot high and a little wider.It blooms prolifically and I want to make it a repeated element along my front brick pathway. . If I can't find more I'll try to take cuttings.

Cuphea micropetala is a first rate late summer-fall bloomer. It dies back to the ground here in winter and can be a bit late to emerge but it's well worth the wait .

Salvia chamaedryoides 'Marine Blue' . The rain beat this down a bit but I had to include the blue flowers in my post. The leaves are small and fuzzy silver. 


Fuchsia 'Hawkshead' . Every Hawkshead I've owned pinks up in my climate. Maybe it's the summer heat , though now in mild fall temps the pink persists.


NOID upright bush Fuchsia. These flowers are very large for a single. I've had the plant for years -no idea where I got it and the tag is probably disintegrated in the soil at it's base.


Mahonia 'Soft Caress' .

  And that's about all I have to share this month. Check out the fellow Bloomday posters over at May Dreams Gardens


  1. I think your November round-up looks pretty good, Kathy! I can't lay claim to any roses (at least any worthy of sharing), much less fuchsias. In response to photos of the Pelargonium schizopetalum you posted earlier this year on IG, I ordered 3 plants from Geraniaceae. None have bloomed as yet but they look happy. A few small tubers broke off as I transplanted them months ago, which I potted up and now I have healthy plants from those as well!

    1. Well, your success in potting up tubers gives me hope. I placed an order with Geraniaceae in August and they were out of P. caffrum which is similar but darker flowers. I got some other cool stuff though.

  2. Interesting that your 'Hawkshead' turns pink. I'm going to check mine tomorrow but I think it is white. I'm thinking about transplanting it - do you think now or spring would be better?

    1. I think it's the heat-Annabelle does the same in summer but it gets back to pure white in fall. I think I would transplant in very early spring when the plant is still dormant. You could always root some cuttings just in case !

  3. I recognise a pelargonium but yours is one I don't know from the Eastern Cape

    1. Hi Diana, we have specialty nursery here in Northern California that specializes in the family. I've had this plant for several years and I think I finally have placed it in a spot it likes as it has bloomed 3 times this year. I should put the Eastern Cape on my weather app and compare temps .

  4. Well they are lovely. The DA yellows, more than any of the other colors, have been outstanding performers here. Never got to try 'Happy Child' but comments suggested it was a winner as well. 'Molineux', 'Golden Celebration', 'The Poets Wife' have been some of my best bloomers.

    I have that same no id Fuchsia and would love to know the name. Did this comment work? Hopefully not a duplicate--sorry if it is.

    1. Comment worked Hoov-there were two but I just didn't publish the other one. I remember it was hard to find 'Happy Child' -I don't remember where I got it -too long ago ! I agree the DA yellows have always done well for me. I had to sp Graham Thomas due to hugeness, but I put G. Celebration along the fence line where it could do whatever it wanted. I love that rose but Molineux wins first prize for me !

  5. An awesome garden! I love all the great colors.

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