Garden Bloggers Bloomday May 2021

  May is always a bit of a pinnacle for bloominess in my garden, and as an added historical element the CDC decided that my fully vaccinated self can de-mask outside and inside. However, I won't feel the return to normalcy until I can grocery shop mask-free. In spite of everything though , GB Bloomday has continued on-no masking needed. 

  This is Asteriscus maritimus 'Golden Dollar'. I planted two of these last spring in my Agave meadow, and it is a winner for sure. 

Climbing rose 'Sally Holmes '. Sally has benefited this year from a very large branch that was removed from a neighbors tree , and a very hard pruning this winter. 

Clematis 'Niobe'. Usually the first Clem to bloom , this year the variegated Wiegela just gained a bit to much size and set it back a bit. I'll be doing some control pruning on the Wiegela this weekend. 

 The scented Pelargonium 'Attar of Roses'. It's a beast.

Not quite there yet but I'm so jazzed that my Yucca 'Color Guard' has put up a boom spike this year I just had to include it. 

A combo shot of Sombreuil and Gourmet Popcorn. These two have survived the rose purge of the last few years. 'Gourmet Popcorn (foreground) is on the watch list , but Sombreuil is a keeper.

Nigella volunteers are all over the place this spring. 

 This is Salvia jamensis 'Stormy Pink' . I 've moved this plant twice and this years location seems to be the spot. 

I got this Pelargonium at Annies years ago, and the tag is long gone. I'm thinking about putting it in the ground , but I'll take a couple of cuttings first in case things don't work out. 

This Calendula 'Ivory Princess' is kind of a story. Last summer I took apart an old gate and built a raised bed with the goal of planting a small cutting garden. Weather issues caused the Calendula seeds to be planted way too late . I thought it was a lost cause but I was wrong. These seed grown varieties are so superior to the Calendula bedding plants sold in garden centers here for winter-I will definitely plant again this fall. In the meantime I planted Dahlia tubers and Zinnia seeds in the same bed and will have to pull these Calendulas soon , even though they just got going. 

Dianthus 'Key Lime Pie'

Parahebe pertifolia

Geranium magnificum , an impulse purchase from Digging Dog that has been very pleasing.

 Another selection from Digging Dog, Cistus 'Snowfire'. This is said to bloom much later into summer than most , so I will be interested to see if the reports hold true. The flowers are fantastic in any case.

 The Anigozanthos awakens. 

A Salvia. The tag is somewhere. 

 Verbascum seedlings are starting to push blooms. 

Erigeron 'Wayne Roderick'. 

Lady Emma Hamilton

Digitalis 'Snow Thimble' from Annies. Love the pure white of this variety.

Cenalophium denudatum. 

 Make sure you visit Carol over yonder at May Dreams Gardens to see blooms in gardens everywhere !


  1. I'm a sucker for coral colored roses. They are beautiful. It's a joy to look at all your wonderful flowers blooming this May.

  2. I used to have both Sombreuil and Gourmet Popcorn and miss them. We had GP at the nursery this year and I almost bought one but decided against it. All of your plants look spectacular. I think you are a bit ahead of us.

    1. The first flush on the roses has already blown on a few-deadheading is on my to do list for this week. GP has gotten much larger than I expected it to-I did a very draconian pruning on it in Jan but of course that was to no avail as expected !

  3. Beautiful!
    My favorite is the Clematis - love the color!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. Clematis Niobe is one of my faves, and will rebloom a bit later in summer if I give it some extra water -though extra water will be hard to come by this year .

  4. Wow! What a plethora of lovely blooms you have. I especially like 'Lady Emma Hamilton' - beautiful rose.

    1. I wouldn't want to be without Lady Emma , and one of her best features is the bronzy foliage color and dark stems.

  5. As always, I salivated over many of the plants in your Bloom Day post, especially the roses, which I seem to be hopeless about growing. I'm not very good with Clematis either, although I do have one variety that's a reliable late summer/early fall bloomer. I face the same issues as you do in needing to evict many of the cool season blooms in my cutting garden prematurely to make way for the dahlias and zinnias. The cool season blooms (sweet peas, larkspur and Nigella) were very late this year (as well as sparse) but then the dahlia tubers I started in temporary plastic pots have also been distressingly slow to sprout, with the first several only recently making an appearance, so maybe things will work out. I'm blaming almost all the anomalies on our lack of rain.

    1. These seed grown Calendulas are so superior to the little squat no doubt growth regulated plants at the garden center-I will definitely plant again this fall but much earlier. Not to mention protecting the seedlings with bird netting . I'm having a Dahlia challenge too-of the 7 tubers I planted only 4 have come up. Of the 3 I already had in the garden only 1 has come up-I can't blame too much rain !

  6. So true about the seed-grown calendula. And the tag is always somewhere! I have a big bowl of them I can paw through if it's really important to get an ID...

  7. I wish I could grow calendula here - the weather goes to "too blasted hot" in a few days and the calendula never have a chance - Lord knows I've tried. Your photos of the clemaits and roses really do them justice.

    1. Calendulas are cool season plants here in zone 9-like sweetpeas, pansies, Iceland poppies they are planted in fall for very early spring bloom , sometimes winter bloom is the case of pansies. They can't take our heat either.

  8. As always your garden looks gorgeous. I love Niobe. It's can be a bit fussy in my area but looks like it does very well for you.

  9. All so beautiful. Fighting jealousy!

    What drove me nuts about 'Gourmet Popcorn' was the first flowers of the cluster would look brown and crappy while the rest of the cluster flowered, ruining the effect, at least for moi.


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