Garden Bloggers Bloomday-The Late Edition

 This is actually Bloom Evening-I'm a bit behind schedule . It's still the 15th at May Dreams Gardens, where Carol provides us a platform to share our flowers on the 15th of every month, but I'm right under the wie for midnight on the east coast. Here is a small sample of what I have going on in zone 9, Northern California.

 This has become one of my favorite Lilys, Carte Blanche, an Orienpet from the Lily Garden in Vancouver Wa. 6 to 7 ft tall in my garden , which allows for easy viewing of the slightly down turned blooms, unless you are in the NBA.

All Fuchsias are in full bloom, but I only took a photo of "Winston Churchill a favorite I have grown for at least 20 years. You can see the damage from one of the few hot days we have had this summer .

 One of my fave Sanguisorbas, my un-named seeding from Far Reaches Farm.

 This patch of Eucomis is scheduled for removal  this fall-it takes uo way too much space and in a small garden 3 big clumps of Eucomis is overkill.

 A group portrait : Eryngium  'Blaukappe' , Anigozanthos, and Verbena bonariensis.

 Eyryngium 'Jos Eijking'

 I have been really enjoying the Liatris this summer and you can see the Zinnias on the upper right . The light was way too strong to get photos of all the Zinnias, but there are many of them, all in large pots.

 The Lily 'Black Beauty' has just started to bloom.

 I'll close out with a couple of the grasses--this is Panicum 'Heavy Metal' .

 Pennisetum 'Bunny Tails' .

 Happy BloomDay to all !


  1. Lots of lovely blooms in your July garden.

    1. and the dog days are just around the corner but the Zinnias will soldier on !

  2. Happy Bloom Day! Your Eryngiums are such a bright electric blue! I wouldn't mind if my Eucomis bulked up, here they just seem to dwindle a little bit every year.

    1. I have three clumps of Eucomis and one has to go. I may just put a chunk of it in a pot, which is where I had them in the first place.

  3. Replies
    1. They dial down the summer heat a bit. Though I am very partial to yellow flowers !

  4. Fabulous--late may be better. Lilies, wow! Eucomis, perfect! My mom grew Fuchsia 'Winston Churchill' for a long time--I miss it. Must seek.

    1. Pretty sure Winston was in my childhood garden as well--and I've had it in every garden both up here and in SanDiego. It tolerates the heat pretty well.

  5. You have lots of great blooms. I am loving the lilies here and of course, the fuchsias. 'Winston Churchill' is one of my favorites. too.

    1. Another great thing about Winston is that you can always find one, they are readily available in most nurseries around here. I wish I had PNW-style Lily nirvana but I'm happy with the sucsess I have had-some don't do well and I just toss 'em and try something else. So easy to fit more in !

  6. You have many flowers I covet, Kathy I love Fuchsias but, even in my lath house, they hang on by a thread here. I've never gotten Eucomis to bloom and even Eryngium didn't hang around for long. Lilies are mostly a pipe dream. Even with all the travel you've done of late, your garden looks fantastic!

    1. I'm surprised about Eucomis not blooming for you--Sunset lists them as ok for your zone (24 ?) but it does suggest planting 8" deep. No travel now til late August so I can concentrate on getting some hardscape issues resolved.

  7. Beautiful flowers,Fuchsia an annual that can not survive our harsh summer days,Amazing lily blooms,Happy Blooms day.


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