Late Bloomer-Garden Bloggers Bloom Day June 2017

 On the eve of my departure for points east to join in Garden Bloggers Fling, I couldn't fail to put up a Bloomday post --that just would have been wrong. Photos were hurriedly snapped at a very early hour this morning as I began the process of watering EVERYTHING. We are not only having a dreadful heatwave ( 102 yesterday and heading towards 99 today) which is expected to stick around til Wednesday, I need to have all garden beds hydrated so that the watering helper only has to worry about the containers and the newly planted shade area in my absence.

 So here is a very small selection of what is flowering in my garden this month.

 The Lilies have begun their parade in the garden this month. As is customary, I bought more this spring . This is Montego Bay which I had completely forgotten about until it opened this week.The photo doesn't really show off the more orange-y tones -not quite as pink as it appears here.

 I believe this is Geum Totally Tangerines 5th bloomday. More bloomstalks are on the way.

 The excellent Clematis 'Arabella' with her Verbascum neighbors.

This Verbascum is  V. nigrum 'Album' added last fall.

 My one and only Echinacea 'Ferris Wheel'.

 The completely and totally fabulous Eryngium 'Jos Eijking'  whose variety I still can't pronounce , however I can now spell it.

 Mash up of Verbena bonariensis, noid Anigozanthos and drumstick Allium bringing up the rear.

The Allium gets it's own photo as it hangs out with the yet-to-open Liatris.

Loving my Orlaya, wishing I'd bought more than 2, and hoping they might reseed a bit.

And the majestic Lobelia tupa.  Double in size this year with 8 bloom stalks thus far. I visit it every day after work without fail.

 Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens who hosts bloomy bloggers every month.


  1. What an awesome summer garden! I hope your plants will weather this dreadful heat wave. Probably better than me!

    Have a blast at the Fling! I'll be thinking of y'all.

    1. Thank goodness most of my containers are succulents ! The garden has to sink or swim with once a week watering. I moved all my container Fuchsias into deep shade. It's times like that that moving to the coast seems mighty appealing !

  2. All beautiful pictures. I especially enjoyed the lily. Ours aren't quite in bloom yet in upstate New York, but, I am waiting patiently.

    1. Thanks Alana. The lilies are certainly a highlight of my gardening year , and I love experiencing new varieties.

  3. 102! It's hotter up your way than it is here, where we've vacillated between the mid- and upper-80s. Still, you've got a host of beautiful blooms, including some I've had little luck with, like the Echinacea. Heat's predicted here next week as well and I'm nervous about leaving my garden to its own devices too. My husband, who will not be accompanying me to the Fling, can be called upon to provide emergency watering, provided he recognizes the degree of urgency in time...

    1. I am leaving detailed instructions ! I'm actually flying out Monday and will go to PA to meet up with other gardening friends to visit Chanticleer and Longwood among others.Looking forward to meeting you 'in-person' at last !

    2. Chanticleer and Longwood!? Damn. I'm jealous.

    3. Beautiful! I look forward to seeing you at the DC Fling, and I'm incredibly jealous that you're going to Chanticleer first. I went to Chanticleer, Longwood and Winterthur last spring - what a great trip it was. Have fun!

  4. I'm jealous you can grow Lobelia tupa. See you Monday night!

  5. Hi KS, there are so many lovely blooms in your garden, it simply looks fabulous! I especially like the verbascums, the Eryngium 'Jos Eijking' and the Orlaya. The latter is completely new to me, but it would be an ideal addition for my white garden bed.
    It is always nervwrecking to leave the garden alone especially when it is as hot as it is right now, but I hope all will go well in your absence.
    Wishing you a wonderful time at the blog fling, I am looking forward to reading about it!
    Warm regards,

    1. Hi Christina, you can water and water in heat like this but the plants either pwer through it or not. I might have lots for trimming to do when I get home !

  6. I bow to your Lobelia tupa grandeur.

    1. I'm worried about them, this heat dammit !

  7. The elusive "Tuba" , for me that is ! I've tried three times !

    1. 3 fails is about my limit. But if I wait a couple of years I forget that I had three fails !

  8. Beautiful flowers! I hope the Orlaya reseeds for you. I saw a photo from a friend's recent trip to the east coast (I think it was at Chanticleer) of Orlaya where it had reseeded and it looked absolutely beautiful. Now I want to grow it, too!

    1. Thanks ! I hoping the reseeded Orlaya (if it does so ) is not decimated by snails. They ate all the foliage off on of my purchased plants (from Annies) and it was a goner after that. I will have to be vigilant.

  9. Worth the wait. The Eryngium, the Lobelia, the Anigozanthos, etc etc all beautifully captured by your photographic talent. Just bought an Annie's Orlaya today after seeing it looking glorious in Dustin's garden in May.

    Have a blast at the Fling!

  10. Saw evidence of the idyllic meetup on IG. Everyone looks great! I've had orlaya reseed lightly a couple years in a row but nothing this year so I might have to bring in new plants this fall/spring. Dustin's huge show this spring was all self-sown. So glad that lobelia has settled in for you -- at least I'll have your photos to enjoy! Have a great trip.

  11. What a floral extravaganza and beautiful photographs.


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