Mendocino Village Gardens

 I try to travel out to the Mendocino County coast at least twice a year. It's relatively close-a scenic 3 hour drive. Because it is isolated by virtue of some of the windiest roads California offers  it seems as though you have entered a slow-motion universe where your attention is captivated by  the sea. This either renews me or makes me morose to return to the stressful terrain of the office.Usually some combination of the two.
 I make it a habit to execute a garden photo walk though the village of Mendocino where small pocket gardens are plentiful and I have posted about these walks here and here.

 It's been several years since I visited in spring (I tend to go out in autumn when the weather is best)  and I was looking forward to peeking at some of my favorite gardens , but decided instead to walk about on the quiet end of the town that is adjacent to the headlands

 Here's a long view of the 'neighborhood' . One can fantasize about living here, but you'll need at least a million bucks and high tolerance for wind, fog, cold, isolation and ageing hippies. Another source of income besides an actual job would help too.

 The most notable plant feature was the Cistus, blooming everywhere in almost every garden.  

And then there were the Echiums

 Upper left , this was the closest I could get to these Echiums.

 This is one of my favorite gardens in the village, and I took multiple shots. The house sits atop a densely landscaped hill featuring mounds of xeric and ocean tolerant plants. I was frustrated by the  bright contrast-y light ,all photos were take before 10am but damn, a few clouds would have helped.

 Here is the garden at the public library. No mow-blow meatballs for this institution.

Around the block where I had parked, looking over fences.

 This one was for sale, 1.65 mil I believe was the price tag.

 And fasciated Euphorbia behind Dicks Bar.


  1. I love the dense plantings. Do you know if that is a municipal water tank in photos 8-10, or a household one?

    1. Kris, there are numerous water tanks in Mendocino,most of which date from the 1800's and were powered by windmills. The windmills are mostly gone. The water in the village now is mostly groundwater,but a few of the towers are still used for water -probably collecting the ample rain that falls there. Many of the towers are converted into lodging or studios. They really are one of the most charming features this place.

  2. What a wonderful place to visit, and for the very very wealthy, to live. I think I'd need a touch more urban to be happy. Maybe a nice 2 million dollar shack in Santa Barbara?

  3. Hi KS, so glad you treated yourself to a road trip to Mendocino and took us with you! It seems to be such a romantic and beautiful place, who wouldn't want to life there. No wonder the house prices are skyrocketing.
    I love the more "natural" restrained approach to gardening captured in your photos. It seems to go so well with the natural landscape and the architecture of the houses.
    I think, I have to put this town on my "places to visit"- wish list!
    Warm regards,

    1. Hi Christina. Everyone who lives in our fine state needs to treat themselves to a north coast road trip. Fly to OAK, SFO or SMF , rent a car , buy some dramamine and off you go !

  4. You hit a non-foggy day? How'd you do that?

  5. Mendocino was one of my favorite places we visited out of all the IUs.

  6. Gorgeous! Perhaps I should buy a lottery ticket and dream for a while about living in California.


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