The Garden Gallery

 During my visit to the central coast of California in April, I spent a windy afternoon along the Embarcadero in Morro Bay. As is my custom when traveling , I had done an internet search for garden centers in the area; considering the great climate along this stretch of our coast I would have expected a bit more horticulture going on, but regrettably there were only a couple that seemed worth visiting.
 The Garden Gallery on the corner of Embarcadero and Pacific in Morro Bay was as it's name suggests a tasteful and beautifully maintained collection of vignettes, artfully combining pottery, plants and restrained garden art that made for very pleasant browsing. One could not expect to landscape a garden there; the plant inventory was heavily skewed towards succulents (all in on that) and tropicalesque container subjects.

  Small clay pots were used extensively to display cacti and succulents. This seems to be a clever merchandising tool in a store that by virtue of it's location likely has a fair amount of tourist visitors.

  Great big wind chimes, probably Music of the Spheres.

 They had a really nice selection, and I did make purchase -Haworthia limifolia . Always on the lookout for plants  I can't find locally.

 I wanted this one desperately, however it was only seen in large containers with large prices. And naturally, I failed to take a photo of the tag, so I have no idea what it was. Maybe a Crassula? Maybe a Kalanchoe ? If any readers out there know I would be grateful.

  Employees were bustling around mainlining the merchandising , keeping the clay pots full.

 There were a number of exotics , but I only got a photo of this one-I had become distracted by shopping.

Did I mention the wind ? Though Garden Gallery had a good deal of outdoor space, it was built cleverly to provide a windbreak, and only a few steps away the small craft was bobbing on the choppy bay.


  1. I can't identify the mystery plant but it's wonderful, as were the displays. I loved those 2 planters at the top of your post but choked on the price tag of the second one.

    1. The planted up stuff was pricey Kris, but the small plants were priced right in line with most places--

  2. Good stuff! Although your mention of the wind had me nodding. It's been crazy windy here this season and I am not a fan.

    BTW I've emailed you still check the email with the baseball team in the name?

    1. I do still have that email Loree , but I have had an issue since Thursday--my password is blown out and I can't get into it. Annoying ! I'll email you from another you can use for the present.

  3. That looks like a cool nursery shop. I've recently gone all in on succulents. Or maybe it's more accurate to say they went all in on me. I neglected my greenhouse residents over the winter, and of course the drought tolerant types are the ones that survived my negligence best. I have quite a few planted up in simple terra cotta clay like the ones in your photos.

  4. Such cool ways of displaying merchandise, very conducive for shopping!

    1. judging from the number of employees, they do have shoppers !

  5. I*m glad you posted this. I took a bunch of photos at the Garden Gallery during our Spring Break trip but I never got around to writing a post. I did find many things I liked but I thought the prices were quite steep--definitely too rich for me. A great place to explore, though, and right along the Morro Bay waterfront.


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