Garden Visit Between Rains

 I should have done some much-needed cleanup and rose pruning today , but it's been gloomy and rainy and it seems like I've been nowhere but the grocery store and the office for ages. It was time for a winter visit to Berkeley Botanical Garden-maybe some Aloes would be in bloom ?

   Unfortunately I was a couple weeks early for most of the Aloes. There was a plethora of safety cones and barricades where paths were washed out , and care had to be taken not to step in mud.  Nevertheless, it was a reasonably pleasant day for January and there was plenty to see.

  Unnamed Aloe with one of the many fabulous Cycads in Berkeleys' collection. And speaking of Cycads, sometime last year I decided I was going to collect them -modest sized specimens of course since the prices are palpitation inducing. This is likely justified- I have had a Dioon for at least ten years and it has exactly 4 fronds.

 I'd have to win the lottery to get anything resembling these cone producing guys.

 I swear though , I'd be happy with a frond or two..

 I think most of these depicted are Encephalartos cultivars, but I was a bad blogger and took no notes. Worse, I resolved before I left home to write down names. A one hour drive listening to sports talk radio (one of my sad addictions) and good intentions went where they always go.

 Always the last stop on the way out---would there be Cycads ? Alas no.


  1. My visit of the Berkeley Botanical Garden was many years ago, but I still remember the stunning blue, gray green cycads from your photos. I remember I wanted to buy one too, but no luck.
    By the way I intended to prune my roses today as well, but only got two done. Simply not in the mood and I don't even have the weather as an excuse. It was simply beautiful!
    Warm regards,

    1. Well Christina, you need to go to Lotusland , the Cycad collection there is outstanding. We are having a dry spell so maybe I'll get the roses done this weekend.

  2. Love the Cycads, I remember first seeing them here in 2009 and then later in the same trip at Lotusland. I was hooked.

    1. Me too, and they sell them at Lotusland--I think it's time for a return trip.

  3. My garden travel fever is just starting to wake up, and this post is not helping with that condition!

    1. I'm having a hard time making travel decisions this year !

  4. Gloomy and rainy and muddy: you're killing me. Warm and sunny all week. :(

    Fabulous cycads! Now, go prune those roses.

  5. It's wrong to complain about rain. So I complain about mud instead. Rose pruning has become kind of an artistic endeavor-I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I go back and back to the same rose, sometimes several days after the initial pruning.

  6. I fell in love with a Dioon I saw at a local nursery last year. It had no cones (at least that I saw) but it was huge - and I vaguely recall a $400 price tag.

  7. An enjoyable field trip for a winter day. I'm too lazy to take notes but instead take pictures of labels to remember names. Love those Dioons but not the price!

  8. I'm glad you reported on the aloe bloom progress. I was going to go this weekend, but it sounds like it might be better to wait another week. The acacias at UC Davis are behind as well.

    I have a bit of a cycad crush myself. Have been buying small seedlings for the last 3+ years but much patience is needed...

  9. Those unnamed red Aloes are very luscious. I wish we could grown more of them outside here.


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