October at the Ruth Bancroft Garden

The members only fall plant sale has undergone some procedural changes that leads to a much more leisurely experience than past events. I expect this was the intent, as the plant sales have become increasing popular and with that comes the inevitable traffic, parking and long lines at checkout. It seems to me after attending both the spring and fall sales this year that they have improved things significantly. Unfortunately for this particular sale there was no longer an early opening time for members , thus my opportunity to take some nice morning light photos was gone. Naturally it was a bright sunny day with nary a cloud or wisp of fog in view.

 There are several bed renovations ongoing here, one of the nicest is  an area near what used to be the main entrance , where Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' is planted among the Agaves.


I have started a small collection of Gasterias, but thus far I lack good id skills, and only one of the plants I own currently came with a label.

 The blooming Silk Floss tree gives this view a springlike aspect.

I think I take a photo of this grouping of Agaves every time I visit..

 A sad state of affairs..

 My small group of purchases ..Two Haworthias -the tiny far left is H. attenuata 'Super White' and the large green behind it is tagged only as 'species'. Continuing to the right is Aloe aristata , Aloe melanacantha , and in the front yet another unlabeled Gasteria and to it's left  xGraptoveria 'Silver Star'. The Gasteria is  fairly common so an internet search should provide me with a name.

 Black-spined Aloe up close...


  1. I love that black-spined Aloe! You got great pictures of the garden too. I REALLY want to try the 'Blonde Ambition' grass, which I've seen growing in Santa Monica's Tongva Park but supposedly isn't suited to my Sunset zone 23/24.

    1. If that grass is growing in Santa Monica I don't see why it wouldn't grow for you Kris. It seems hard to find though,I had to mail order it.

  2. Oh that Black-spined Aloe is fabulous!!! As is being able to go to this sale...what a treat. Great photos too, even if it was a sunny day...

    1. I confess you did cross my mind when I made this selection--and actually I copied Gerhard-he had one in his cart and showed me where they were.! I am going to get it a special pot.

  3. Fantastic photos. You tamed the contrast really well. I've been to the RBG dozens of times, and it's been sunny almost every single time (except for one memorable visit when it was raining).

    I do agree on the plant sale setup. Much less frantic now. The fact that the nursery is well stocked year round is taking some of the pressure off, too.

    I'm glad you got an Aloe melanacantha. So cool! Mine has doubled in size in two years.

    And 'Blonde Ambition' is at the top of my buy list now.

    1. I did a members free photo class there a few years ago and it was partly cloudy--we got to get in at 8am. I'm going to wait for cloudy weather and go back-I have reverse buyers remorse over the Euc 'Moon Lagoon' , and I have a 25$ gift cert burning a hole in my wallet !

    2. I'm going back very soon myself. They just got in some palo blancos (Acacia willardiana) and one has my name on it.

  4. Very nice haul! How lucky you are to live close enough to this amazing garden to be able to visit often. Our fling visit to RB was my first in person exposure to huge mature agaves and I was in awe. Thanks for bringing back fond memories!

  5. I fell in love with 'Blonde Ambition' while at the Denver Botanic Garden, where someone had mixed with feathery celosia and Tuscan kale. I bought some for work where it has done well in dry areas, but the one I brought to my own garden has suffered from too much rain.


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