April Bloomday 2015

 The roses all say 'look at me' this month, but there are so many others to see-a mild winter has meant early flowers for many that are in most years still recovering from what passes for winter here.

Buff Beauty got to stay during my great rose purge of 2013-2014. The inventory of 70ish has been pared down to 35. 

  Giant wingspan on this noid Clem.

 This color is legit..the tag long gone . I acquired this when the late great Chalk Hill closed up shop.

 Lavender and Euphorbia 'White Swan'

Jean Giono

The fabulous Madame Isaac Pereire

All the Gasterias are blooming ! Awkward for photos though ...

Pelargonium 'Splendide' ..I've murdered 2 of these, but I swear I will prevail this time.

Margaritas anyone ?

Ptilotus 'Joey' a good Aussie plant for a container in drought times.

Ramona..this was my first Clematis and she lives on after 20+ years. 

Gruss an Auchen with Golden Celebration.

My 4th year I think with Salvia 'Wendys Wish' and the first time it overwintered for me.  I am rewarded with both early blooms and no need to buy a new one.

Lobelia laxiflora is another early bloomer.

Happy Bloomday to all  ,and remember to visit Carol at May Dreams for more blooms on the planet ...


  1. Happy GBBD Kathy! That striped Clematis is intense! I admire 'Buff Beauty' - I looked for it earlier this year when I decided to splurge and add a rose to my garden but, not finding it, settled for reliable 'Brandy' (which has yet to do much of anything). I'm going to have to look for Euphorbia 'White Swan' - it's a great companion for the lavender.

    1. I used to have 'Brandy' Kris, but I have deep 6'd most of the hybrid teas I have in my garden for various reasons.' Buff Beauty' needs support to climb on and has a very modest rebloom, so if you want season long color your choice of Brandy is the way to go . I find 'E. 'White Swan to be superior to E. 'Tasmanian Tiger' here.

  2. The flowers are absolutely lovely! The clematis are just floaty and dream-like. The salvia is a great little plant, and I am just starting to see it in nurseries I've not seen Pelargonium 'splendide' before - the flowers and form look stunning - is it frost hardy? Matt

    1. Hi Matt, thanks for coming by. P. Splendide' is a selection from 'Geraniaceae' our Northern California (and beyond) Geranium/Pelargonium go to. If you Google 'Robin Parer' you will see plenty of info about her iconic nursery . 'Splendide is not hardy for me here in USDA zone 9, it needs a frost -free enviornment so I bring it inside or keep in the garage for winter.

  3. Far out Clematis, Kathy! Your roses are glorious - so much happening in your garden right now! Happy GBBD!

    1. I am really enjoying this spring, though the water thing is a huge concern. Happy GBBD back at ya...

  4. Very striking and intense colours on that clematis Kathy, and other blooms looking good too!

    1. I'm on a mission to get it's name. I hate the noid thing. Grrrr!

  5. Looks like late May :). I'm amazed that you have room for 35 roses! Love the clems and look forward to seeing them here. Happy Bloom Day!

    1. Sue, I bet I had 60 when you were here for IU . I was pretty good at tucking them in. I look forward to your Clems too !

  6. Love those clematis shots! I've been trying to decide if I want to go with a passion flower or a clematis for my next vine. I do love the purple clematis flowers. Oh and thanks for the Lobelia laxiflora shot...a great reminder to go see if mine is coming back, I don't remember seeing it the last time I was out there.

    1. I think I might pick up a Passion Vine when I go to Annies on my annual spring visit tomorrow--she has a couple zone 9 selections, and I have a spot.


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