Echium Forest

I have never attempted to grow  Echiums here in my own garden, assuming they would be doomed to failure..I never see them in Napa, and they have always seemed decidedly coastal to me. The coast may only be an hour away, but in terms of micro climate it is in another world altogether, no frost and very little heat. This afternoon I went on a garden tour -'Bay Friendly Gardens' and on the route to one of the venues I happened upon this terraced home with Echium 'wildpretii' not more than two miles from my own garden. It was pure drama.


  1. Wow! You'll be trying a few in your garden now right?

    1. Indeed Loree, I'll try almost anything once !

  2. I think you should try them just with good drainage. I'd send you some seed if I had actually collected any.

    1. I have a good spot to try them Dustin, and I have a friend who is getting some seed for me. It's a new world !

  3. They are spectacular plants, definitely wortha try!

    1. Definitely..lets face it, pushing the envelope is fun..when you succeed it's a triumph, and if you fail...well wth, failure is a learning process !

  4. quite imoressive...these really are dramatic

    1. Pretty eye catching when you drive up this street !

  5. Echiums used to be synonymous with blue spires, but no more. Looks like that garden has more than enough seedlings, Kathy. I say knock on the door and beg some.

  6. How fantastic is that! This is the most impressive display of Echium wildpretii I've seen. So beautiful. I have two that will bloom next year and just started another batch from seed. My goal was to have half a dozen in bloom at the same time but after seeing your photos, I may need to go even bigger :-).


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