In the Rear View Mirror-10 Photos from 2012

 Les over at Tidewater Gardener posted a gentle challenge for fellow bloggers to post favorite images of 2012. This seemed like a fun and easy exercise, until I delved into my image files and found I had over 3,000 from 2012 alone. Part of my problem is the inability to dispassionately dispose of the marginal shots, and after installing new photo editing software this fall, I am using these to practice my still novice editing skills. At some point the external hard drive will run out of space and decisions will have to be made. For the time being I wallow in my crop tools, clarity, contrast, noise reduction etc.

 I took several road trips this year , and have selected photos from each.

My spring road trip was a short journey to UC Santa Cruz Arboretum. I took a couple hundred shots there, but I'm partial to this one. 

 In February I took  a Sunday morning drive to Bodega Bay, and as luck would have it , the skies were fairly clear and the Echiums were in full bloom.

 In April I spent a long weekend in the Monterey area , and could easily have posted all 10 photos from this trip. This combination was outside the Custom House  in the Monterey historic district.

Same trip, Pebble Beach. 

More near Pebble Beach.

 In July another road trip with garden friends, here is a photo I took at the fabulous Danger that turquoise pot !

At Dragonfly Farms on the Kitsap Penninsula Washington. 

 Eye popping color at Terra Nova .

My annual visit to Digging Dog Nursery...late afternoon light in the west facing borders.

Ok, so I went over the 10, but Les did too, so it's ok. Near Cabrillo Point Lighthouse in Mendocino County, same trip as above . This image has been 'manipulated' , but I quite like it.

Oh wait ! I almost forgot this one, a very pink building on the wharf at Monterey.

Ok, I'm done.


  1. I was skimming along loving every photo just a little more than the one before and then BAM! hey that's my garden! Thanks for the jolt and the smile. Wonderful photos!

    I hope to be catching up with you again in SF for the bloggers fling?

    1. Fling is on the calendar Loree, so close, how could I not ?

  2. What a lovely recap of your year, great photos!

    Digital cameras are great, you can take as many as you can now, to your heart's delight. Unlike before with film you have to careful and selective.

    1. I am trying to implement a photo-file clean up winter project..I've made some strides, my goal is to free up significant space on my external hard drive before next spring and summers garden touring season begins.

  3. Oh my! Gorgeous! I tried capturing the year in photos and went over the limit as well. ( Yours are sensational. I'm particularly fond of the shot outside the Custom House in the Monterey historic district. So NOT Ontario....

    1. It's funny Marie, Monterey is only a three hour drive from me, but the climate is pretty different-frost free !

  4. What a great idea! I'm particularly partial to the shots from IU9. :)

  5. Thank you for participating in my little meme. They are all great, but I think my favorites are the first one and the second, probably because the plsnts are so foreign to anything that will grow here. I am also envious of your brush with Danger and your visit to Terra Nova.

    1. ..and thanks you for spurring it on Les. Your photos are an inspiration to me, and so evocative of place. It was so fun to visit Lorees' after seeing so many photos over the years...

  6. I can imagine how hard you found it to pick. I saw Les's challenge too and was a bit daunted, but you have inspired me to give it a shot. My favourites are your second one with the Echium, the sizzling combination outside Custom House, and your second shot at Pebble Beach: the beach is so different to those near me.

    1. It's fun to look back at the end of the year..harder to pick and choose !

  7. So glad you did this! I thought about it for a second, but what an undertaking it is. That second shot of pebble beach does it for me.

    1. It was an exercise Denise.I recommend wine as an accompaniment.

  8. Ooo, you picked some beauties to post. I could see quite a few would be lovely framed. I'm sure it was difficult to pick.

    1. I actually did some 8x10's this year Michelle and have them hung in my office.

  9. Lovely! It's tough to pick out of so many good ones.

  10. Beautiful! Maybe 10 more next? What is your new editing software and how do you like it so far?

    1. Masha, I have Lightroom 4 , recommended to me by my friend Deanne ...I installed a trial version on my laptop, and did a whole bunch of free tutorials. I really like it.

  11. Wow Kathy! Beauteous images. What a treat


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