Bloom Day February 2012

 Here in my garden , February is the month when the promise of spring starts to reveal itself , all kinds of foliage pushing up and out, with the danger of frost still hovering. I find myself starting to peer intently at the marginal plants--did they make it ? Is that new growth ? It's been a dreadful winter for the succulents, and anything else on a zone cusp. Our lack of rain meant night after night of 30's, 20's and couple dips into the teens. My 'hardy to 26 degrees' plants that usually prevail are DOA. Still, we have flowers !

 Clematis Armandii is always a reliable spring signpost.

 The basic Euphorbia  c. wulfenii.

The Hellebores

Rosemary 'Tuscan Blue'

Pieris --common but hey, they're flowers !

Camellias are everywhere here, despite the petal blight affliction that can ruin the flowers . I never water or feed them. I only have a few, and they are all white . The white ones always seem less Camellia-ish to me.

Waves to all the bloomy-bloggers attending  Carols monthly party ...


  1. Dziękuję za piękne kwiaty i przybliżenie u nas wiosny :-). Piękne zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam. *** Thank you for the beautiful flowers and spring, bringing with us :-). Beautiful pictures. Yours.

  2. Your photo's are lovely wish spring was already there.
    gr. Marijke

  3. I've always wondered if C. armandii really smells like vanilla. And I prefer the white camellias too. Sounds like you've got some succulent shopping to do. Let me know if I can send any cuttings.

    1. Vanilla-ish Denise , depending on the time of day.I thought that cool shrubby Senecio that Mitch brought me last year had bit the dust (it made the 30's and high 20's just fine, twas the teens that did the damage) but I see live growth at the very base.Whew ! I'll keep your offer in mind. Meanwhile the Succulent Gardens booth at the show this year will benefit.

  4. Your Hellebores are lovely!
    And you already have Clematis blooms! Very pretty.
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. Gotta love those Hellebores..thanks for stopping by.

  5. Love the Camellias and your Hellebores are darling!
    Happy GBBD :)

  6. Lovely blooms! Even here in winter-mild Portland I find myself out every day checking for new growth...I still worry that things won't over-winter...old habits are hard to break, I guess!

    1. But you have some micro-climates going in your back garden Scott.

  7. I agree! My tibouchina looks completely dead, although maybe it will come back from under the mulch, and my fernleaf lavender died back to the ground... But at least the fruit trees got enough chill :).

  8. My camellia preferences are for the deep reds and the variegated ones. I am not a big fan of the pinks, but they are ironically the ones I have the most of.


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