Hosta Envy

 Such an unworthy emotion, envy. So small ,so futile. Technically, I can grow Hostas here. They are sold in garden centers and are sometimes seen in local OPG's.  I've bought them and planted them only to watch them either completely disappear or turn into fishnet.Now in full retreat, I was conquered by the slimy mollusks -ingeniously they simply moved in and set up housekeeping in and on the Hostas;they never had to visit the ground beneath where my penny rings , Sluggo pellets and in dire emergencies, Corrys Slug and Snail Death lay in wait.
  So, admitting failure,  I travel to places where they thrive and take pictures, swallowing my envy.

Little and Lewis gallery, Bainbridge Island Washington

Kinzy Faire , Estacada Oregon

Private garden , Bainbridge Island

Private garden, eastern Massachusetts

Coastal Maine Botanical Garden, Boothbay

White Flower Farm, Litchfield  Conneticut

 I have a spot open. I really could give it one more try.


  1. Oh, yeah, the one in the first photo. Blue and puckered, seer-suckered. I've heard of such places where hostas are grown as intricate throw rugs under trees in my favorite colors of blue, yellow, green...

  2. Yeah, I have it, too. There are supposedly some that can take the heat, but when I attempted a couple bought locally, they just disappeared. I'll just have to be content with liriope even though it's definitely not seer-suckered or even puckered. If I'd never watched a PBS gardening show, I wouldn't know what I was missing, and now you've gone and showed me again.

  3. Once again, your photos are gorgeous.

    Hosta envy is the price we must pay for gardening in California. We must simply grit our teeth and pay up.


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