A Visit to Ruths-Chapter One.

 Commuter mug loaded with Peets French roast, camera in the backpack with suitable size memory card and an extra battery, it was off this morning to The Ruth Bancroft Garden for the fall sale. Membership entitles a visitor to two hours of shopping and garden touring before the gates are open to the general public and full advantage was taken of both; the shopping was accomplished briskly,  the plants safely stowed in the car  and the camera retrieved from the back pack. Don't believe I've ever taken less than 100 images at this garden, a place that I find intensely photogenic. With the bulk of the visitors buzzing around the plant sales area, I had the garden nearly to myself .

And here is the grande finale  for this huge Agave -those readers and garden bloggers following the doings over at Rancho Reubidoux can preview the inevitable end to that story.


  1. The perfect road trip, coming home with agaves tucked safely into the car. Just sent you an email.

  2. The only way I'll take in such a garden these days...given that I live in Ontario. Brings back memories of a succulent garden at UCLA in the mid 60s.

  3. BUT....what did you buy!!!!?????????

  4. The Agave I see on US blogs leave the pathetic selection in my local nurseries for dead. I can only find basic attenuata. The gardens you went to look lovely.

  5. Fantastic photographs! I love agaves, and these are absolutely stunning! Thanks!


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