
Showing posts from February, 2015

Bloom Day February-Pitchers and Catchers Report

 This week in the world of sports, major league pitchers and catchers will report to spring training facilities to begin early workouts. Baseball fans look forward to this as the overture to the show to come, when all things are still possible and the upcoming season glows at the end of the tunnel. And so it is in my garden. In February, the pitchers and catchers of the plant world show up before the rest of the squad to set the table for spring. To be honest, this winter was almost disturbingly mild, with no frost til January  and few casualties. It's tempting to think of the things I would have planted if I'd had a crystal ball.  I had left this sweet little vine ,Eccremocarpus scaver 'Tresco Gold' for dead last fall  . Purchased at Annies in the spring , it sulked and shriveled into a brown blob, and only to rise again with the first rains. At this point it appears to be another in the 'Tresco ' series, for the red stems are nowhere to found and the flower...

Picture This

After agonizing for weeks over my entry into the revived Picture This Photo Contest on Gardening Gone Wild, I threw the dice and selected this image From Annies display garden taken last spring. I filled the frame, right ?