Another Chapter from Maine

 I'm confident that most of us horti-philes have found ourselves smitten with one particular area of a garden we have visited, returning multiple times for just a few more shots (not a bar reference) or to bask in the presence of a design that has spoken to us ....
 I can't really explain why this area at Coastal Maine Botanic Gardens was so compelling to me. Maybe because the combinations seemed slightly unusual, featuring a few plants I don't see out here in the west , and it seemed accessible..something I might actually be able to do , even if it has to be on a smaller scale with left coast friendly substitutions. .

This is a distant view of 'my' section sits at the base of this structure , not looking like much from this perspective. 

As I moved closer, the grouping started to take form.

..and look at this ! Arundo donax 'Golden Chain' with one of those very bold Pennisetums that are seldom seen here, and all the hot pink Salvia stuff going on.Verbena bonariensis stitches the quilt together. Sigh.

Closer still...look at this ! Setaria palmifolia , variegated palm grass. The plant tag was from Landcraft Environments..wouldn't you know it ? Those crinkly leaves, those white stripes...

Golden millet tucked in..

I will look at this all day. Golden millet, I am your slave.

Arundo d. Golden Chain torments me. The damn thing gets huge. Do I really need a house on my lot?

 I finally stepped away and took this from afar.. you can't possibly ignore the V. bonariensis sticking up from a field of bright chartreusey yellow Coleus in the foreground. There is not one chance in hell I could plant coleus in this sort of exposure in my climate. It would be a big sea of crispy brown. 

  One last look before I have to head back to Boston.

 If you are ever in Maine, or anywhere near Maine this garden is worth a visit. And wherever you are , consider becoming a member. Brilliantly designed gardens like this deserve our support.


  1. Not fair showing me this as I weed, edge and cut back my mess here in Ontario.
    I'll be waiting for your west coast version!

    1. But where to put it 'bug ? I ordered the Arundo today..if the plant buyer at the nursery can find it , it will live in a big pot for mobility.I've been known to change my mind.

  2. The first photo has said most of it all, wow! The colours of the garden is wonderful and the composition is fab!

    1. What you need is another visit across the pond !

  3. Oooo la la! how fabulous! I really and truly NEED to get back up there. Every year I say I'm going to do it and every year don't make it. Same on me! These photos and garden are fabulous Kathy

    1. Pretty sure it would be an annual thing for me Deanne, if I lived where you live !

  4. I definitely have to make a plan to get back there next season. So many gardens to visit, so little time.

    1. You won't regret it you can scare up a travel caravan pretty easily !

  5. many gardens, so little time. If I won the lottery I'd probably have to buy a membership to every public garden in the country. Glad to know I'm not the only one who stares at combinations in other gardens with huge climate envy.

    (btw love your new header photo)

    1. Sometimes I stare with disdain at the failed combos in my own garden . On the other hand, a failed combo is really an opportunity buy more plants

      I like to 'redecorate' my blog for the seemed a bit early for the vineyard fall foliage header shot, so this will be up for a few weeks--do you recognize it ? It's from the Mat Gil garden at Fling--one of the few photos I got before the tragic camera malfunction.

    2. Ah yes of course! I loved that garden. It's currently the screen saver on my laptop.

  6. That garden definitely belongs on a lot of "best" lists. I'm not sure when I might get to Maine but I'm going to send links to your posts on the garden to my stepsister, who currently lives in that state.

    1. Sounds like you have a good excuse to travel to Maine Kris ! Hope your step-sis gets a chance to go ..those New England states are so small it couldn't be too long a trip no matter where she lives ..

  7. Definitely an amazing garden. I am glad to see more pictures of it!

    1. I have more...many more. My camera was on fire !

  8. I am always amazed by what determined cold-climate gardeners can pull off in the summer.


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