A Pinch of Oregano

Collecting seems to just happen to me in a spontaneous way-I perform a 'garden audit' and find that I have 7 varieties of Penstemon, 14 Salvias, 10 Euphorbias ..you get the picture. Space is always an issue, thus no trees or large shrubs are collected -though I confess to the ownership of 60 plus roses. Starting last autumn I have fallen prey to every Oregano that has crossed my path. I already owned the basic culinary form , the golden model (which has colonized the lawn-but who needs lawn anyway ?) and Kent Beauty--oh, and a Hopleys Purple which was naughty and has been banished to an area surrounded by concrete where it can flop and spread at will.


  1. Eminently collectible! The last one looks like one I've got in the front gravel garden, largish grey felty leaves that I thought was libonaticum. Is that what yours is?

  2. Not a very ID'able photo there Denise, it's Dittany of Crete ,Origanum dictamnus, one of my absolute fave O's. The flowers are just starting to come on.

  3. I was just looking at Kent Beauty yesterday and toyed with the idea of giving it a home. I've shied away from oreganos because of their sprawly habits, but seeing your lovely selections, I think I must have more. If you have three, you have a collection, a wise old gardener once told me. It's a slippery slope.


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