The Back Corner

 Although I failed to take a 'before' photo of this northwest corner of my garden be assured it is not verbal embellishment to say it was wall to wall weeds a month ago, with a few ill placed and either under or overgrown plants that were ready to be discarded.This entire area was also a victim of the collapsed fence incident last year, and the subsequent working guy trampling that resulted.  I dug out an artichoke , a Phygelius 'Devils Tears' and a noid Agastache that flopped miserably until it was finally engulfed by it's neighbor Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue' . 'Black and Blue' was spared , the green patch behind the shovel. This Salvia has thick tuberous roots and will spread vigorously if not dealt with firmly in spring, and kept an eye on all summer. I put up with this because I love the plant in spite of it's wanderlust. It seems quite indifferent to heat, drought and is popular with the hummers and beneficials. . The Corsican Hellebore at the base of the trellis was a volunteer , which I left for winter and will be gone once I accumulate all the plants I plan to install here. Lobelia Tupa will anchor the corner. Sanguisorba offincinalis 'Red Thunder' will will live to the right of the shovel. Penstemon 'Raven', Rudbeckia 'Green Wizard' and the existing  Achellia 'Moonshine' will all be residents here. I expect I will make additional impulse purchases, and then I will plant everything too close together and significant editing will be required. This weekend I will finish schlepping compost from the pile I had delivered last week - the depicted white bucket has been instrumental in this task. The camera and I will check in again here when planting begins --soon I hope !


  1. "I expect I will make additional impulse purchases, and then I will plant everything too close together and significant editing will be required." This should be on a sign in my garden.

    Looks exciting, Kathy! Oh, to contemplate sanguisorbas! The heat/drought has forever disabused me of such notions here.

    1. Denise, I think I have become Sanguisorba collector--always having to go near and far to find them--they are not sold locally. Thanks god for Digging Dog !

  2. Not surprised with all the hard work you had to put in to get to that stage, great job! And exciting times ahead with all the possibilities ahead of you :)

    1. I'm very pleased this spring, though it will be a small plant summer with all the newbies..

  3. The sentence: "I expect I will make additional impulse purchases, and then I will plant everything too close together and significant editing will be required" explains why I've liked you from the very beginning.

    1. Aw shucks Loree, lets face it , we thrive on renovation !


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