Bloom Day April 2014..

 April is colorful month in my garden, thanks to the roses ..and I will always keep a few of them around , though they have been edited here in favor of spaces for other stuff. Always need other stuff.

Brass Band, an excellent floribunda.. and excellent for me means no blackspot.

Jean Giono..

Madame Issac Perrier...I finally figured out the only way to photograph this rose and get an image anywhere close to it's actual color is to avoid direct sun at all costs.This looks somewhat like the real thing. Mme Isaac is a Bourbon rose, introduced in 1881. Blackspot can be an issue here, but I don't care;I happily strip off  Mme Isaacs spotty foliage and wait for a clean set to grow.

Gruss an Achen.

This is the David Austin rose 'Prospero'. Impervious to everything..a cast iron rose.

I don't gow Symphytum 'Axminster Gold' for it's flowers, but here they are , doing thier best to upstage the foliage--an exercise in futility I fear .

Columbine, un-named seedling. It's time to expand my inventory of this old fashioned flower.

The stachys Lavenders are blooming all around town..

First Zinnia of the year, one of the green numbers..


Iris season too. What an annoying plant bearded Iris can be.  But really, what else looks like that ? Tolerance is a virtue.

Phlomis tuberosa 'Amazone' . Second year , still in the trail stage.

 As always, thanks to Carol at May Dreams for her hostess gig..visit to see whats blooming this month on our planet..


  1. Love all the vivid colours of your bloom photos, so cheerful to see!

    1. April is a colorful month with that hint of lushness before summer drought kicks in..

  2. Wait, your Symphytum 'Axminster Gold' is blooming already? I just this weekend noticed the emergence of about a half inch of foliage. I agree about bearded iris. Love the variegated foliage varieties though. Happy GBBD!

    1. Ax Gold seemed to appear quite early this year, course it's a year older too, so maybe that accounts for it. I'm down to 3 small clumps of Iris now, but I really should get one of the variegated forms .

  3. Oh your new header photo is suburb!!! (and the flowers are nice too...)

    1. I went to the Bancroft this past weekend Loree, so I felt all Agave-centric !

  4. Love all your GBBD photos, but especially that rose 'Brass Band!' Does it open as peach, and deepen to red?

    1. Alison, Brass Band has petals that are light orange on the inside and deeper orange on the inside. It's not pink at all if you see it in person. It's gaudy !

  5. "A cast iron rose" is something worth remembering. Roses are gorgeous but here in the black spot capital of the world, I only grow those that are resistant. Gave up spraying many years ago! You've got lots of great blooms and are way ahead of us up in this neck of the woods!

    1. Black Spot is a scourge isn't it ? Drought the last 2 years had reduced it's impact somewhat here. The good news is, once spring is gone it's over.

  6. A cast iron rose! I need one (or more) of those. I'm surprised to see Zinnias this early - I planted seed a couple of weeks ago and my fingers are crossed that they'll be as easy to grow from seed as I've heard. Of course, nightly bed maulings by rampaging raccoons don't help any...A belated happy GBBD!

    1. Zinnias are very easy from seed Kris..I bought these in a 6 pak this year ; I did no seeds this winter. I really like the heirloom varieties from Select Seeds catalog, and hope to plan some of those next year..


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