Marching into Spring-Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

 I've missed the last couple of bloom days, a combination of office interference and a dearth of reportable flowers. Now that we have sprung ahead, I can actually take photos on weeknights . March offerings are a bit mundane however- I have not done a  good job planting/planning for this season.

 I don't have the cultivar handy on this Erysimum, but  I snatched it up because it was NOT 'Bowles Mauve' which is ubiquitous here. I am also partial to yellow flowers. I can see this becoming a repeated element.

Brunnera 'Jack Frost' is holding court in the shade.

The Pulmonarias are all over the place--I started collecting them in the late 90's before I knew about the mildew issue. Most have been sent to compost-land but I retain the electric blue specimens.

Hellebores are still holding on.

Just about every Euphorbia is in bloom- I didn't photograph all of them..

 Jade Dragon, with Rosemary as a backdrop.

Volunteer E.C. wulfanii  with Corsican Hellebore.

This is possibly 'Tasmanian Tiger' , and in true spring-like manner, it is colonized with green aphids.

Geranium pyrenaicum 'Bill Wallis'. This is one great plant..thank you Annies !


 Thanks to the Fabulous Carol at May Dreams for hosting this monthly bloom-fest.


  1. Beautiful blooms!
    I especially like the Hellebores!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  2. Lovely spring flowers! Here in London even the weeds haven't really started growing, it's been so cold and everything is so late! Geranium pyrenaicum 'Bill Wallis' :-)

    1. Regrettably, my weeds have been growing all winter..

  3. Some nice blooms there especially the second hellebore!

    1. That Hellebore was from my local 'tagless' nursery, and it's name remains a mystery !

  4. Oh I love that Geranium. Now you're going to tell me it's not hardy for me, right? Fortunately dandelions are a month or so off. Last year I had a bumper crop. Oy!

    Happy GBBD!

    1. Zone 5 Sue, you're in luck ! I've never seen it anywhere but Annies.

  5. Gorgeous blooms, especially the Dandelion ;)
    Could you Euphorbia be Silver Swan - it's very similar to it. You are miles ahead than us here in Scotland!

    1. Angie, it could be Silver Swan indeed, I have the tag somewhere in the garage. I need to root around for it.

  6. Lovely especially the Hellebores. The aphids, not so much. Happy Spring!

  7. I especially like the wavy petals on the 2nd hellebore. The last plant sure is healthy looking.

    1. too healthy Michelle..and there's more where that came from..

  8. Your hellebores are wonderful. I had to laugh when I saw dandelions - nothing seems to eradicate them in my yard... I have "Bill Wallis" too and it reseeds everywhere, into pots, through the thick mulch, cracks in concrete, anything...

    1. I am experiencing some reseeding with Bill too Masha, but they are pretty easy to pull up , and I have them primarily in my hell strip, which can use all the help it can get ..

  9. 'Bill Wallis' doesn't look anything like the photo on AA's website in my garden. It does OK but no great shakes, and disappears when the days get warmer. It does lightly reseed. I wonder where else besides NorCal it thrives? Love that erysimum too. Take some cuttings, OK?

  10. Your photos are wonderful. I really enjoyed seeing what you have in your garden. It is amazing have many new ideas and inspirations you get from bits of information like that.


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