
 This Sedum from my favorite 'no tag' nursery is the destination plant for the bees in my garden at the moment. They have jilted the Lavender, and left the Gallardias behind, lost interest in the nearly bloomed out Rosemary. Just like the hottest new restaurant in town, this plant is always busy, crawling with buzzing diners. And how about the plant ? Wish I knew what it was (suggestions welcome) ..Flopless  sturdy red stems support  the pleasant mid-range green leaves ; it's slight list to the west is only due to the dreaded Liquidambar to its rear which continues to explode with foliage in spite of my relentless de-limbing activities.


  1. That's a nice one. Doesn't it look like Gooseberry Fool? I'm going to delimb Grace this fall too. Sounds awful, doesn't it?

  2. The bees sure do love it. I just noticed my 'Autumn Joy' turning red today. I don't think the bees have found it yet. What a pretty variety that one is.


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