A Visit to Swoon Island...

 Oh, I mean Swan Island. So if you have to drive from Portland to Ashland, and it's August, and you see the Canby exit, and you don't really have a schedule because you (foolishly) aren't seeing a play when you get to Ashland (http://www.osfashland.org/) you may want to turn off the interstate and pay a visit to this storied Dahlia grower. Theres nothing quite like motoring down a bucolic Oregon back road and coming across acres of Dahlias in full bloom- the high calorie dessert course on a vacation that has featured daily plant-related activites.


  1. OMG! I've seen daffodil fields, tulip fields, lavender fields... but I've never seen a dahlia field. Amazing! Gorgeous flowers! The first one is my favorite. There is everything in it - love, romance, drama, tragedy,... you name it!

  2. Gorgeous! So...what did you buy? And did you visit Cistus when you were in Portland?

  3. Tatayana, they have cleverly provided plant lists and sharpened pencils at the entry to the fields. I fear I checked off many selections.

    ..and Loree, yes to Cistus, Joy Creek, Portland Nursery, 2 flats of plants in the back of my car-though I brought the Clematis into the hotel room..always need a little ambiance you know ?

  4. What a good garden traveler you are, taking so many beautiful photos. My one little dahlia is still soldiering on in August, stoically representing his kind for me. What a road trip!

  5. Dang, those dahlias are beautiful!

  6. The problem with this post is - how do you say which is your favorite when one after another is just more beautiful? Great photos, and another place to add to my bucket list of plant places to visit.

  7. Just amazing photos! And it's on the TOP TEN list for Garden Mecca spots... I'm still swooning... smelling salts please -- you honor it well tho.


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