Garden Bloggers Bloom Day for May 2022

I'm always relieved when Bloom Day falls on a weekend --no need to fit it into a work week especially if one buys stuff for a living during these times of supply chain hell. I picked the right year to retire ! Since I had to order a new battery charger for my camera (that will not arrive til Tuesday) I hereby present several images taken in haste with one red bar flashing insistently, admonishing me to change the battery or else. Plenty of out of focus photos in this post. Still, there's nothing like being out in the garden at 6:30am on a perfect spring Sunday when no one else in the neighborhood is up yet. The first flower to open on Laurens Grape was still sporting it's sepal chapeau. This poppy reseeds reliably and energetically. I was much more diligent this year with thinning-they would be more than happy to overwhelm my small front garden. Silene uniflora 'Druetts Variegated'. Eryngium 'Blaukappe' will be blueing up in the ...